Christmas is a time spent with loved ones and gift-giving. However, giving gifts can take many forms – and giving up some of your time can often be much more meaningful.
And as the Mdzananda Animal Clinic in Khayelitsha noticed an enormous increase in pets being surrendered to the clinic during the festive season, they launched the #MyFirstChristmas campaign.
What is the aim of the #MyFirstChristmas campaign?
The idea of the campaign is to not let the animals feel so alone during the holidays, Christmas time especially.
The clinic wants to introduce the homeless pets that are up for adoption to members of the public to increase their chances of finding a forever home.
The campaign also wishes for people to sponsor the pets to show them some extra love on Christmas Day.
“Most shelter pets have never experienced Christmas,” says Marcelle du Plessis, Fundraising and Communications Manager.
“Christmas is usually a joyous day but my heart always breaks for the pets at our shelter facility who are spending it without a family. This year we hope to make it a bit more special for them. Members of the public can sponsor a shelter pet to have a Christmas day experience. Our staff and volunteers will, in turn, make their day special”, says du Plessis.
How can I get involved?
Grab the whole family and truly make a difference this year by sponsoring a furry friend.
The Mdzananda Animal Clinic has the following sponsoring options available:
- R100 – A good cuddle
- R200 – A good cuddle and a treat
- R300 – A good cuddle, treat and play time
- R500 – All of the above
The NPO clinic even lets you choose your special pet by visiting or the Mdzananda Animal Clinic Facebook or Instagram pages.
Alternatively, if you are not able to spend the day in person, feel free to make a donation to Mdzananda Animal Clinic:
Standard Bank, Account number: 075595710, Branch: Rondebosch, Branch Code: 025009, Reference: Your chosen pet’s name + Your Name or visit